Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Consider the effects so far, and possible effects in the future, on media institutions involved in your case study (media production).


By 2025 Facebook estimates to have around 3.8 Billion users. This shows that possible effects in the future, such as new developments in technology means, that Facebook will have more to offer e.g. serve customers, enhance experience and offer more options and choices. Historically, Facebook has faced criticism for its opaque and often convoluted privacy policies. It is stated that, although Facebook is currently the leading social networking site, it will face strong competition from other new developments. For example, Google+ at the moment is not as big and successful compared to Twitter and Facebook, but in the future, it is more likley that people will maybe lose interest in Facebook and Twitter, and thus turn to Google+ because of its new developments of features.


Twitter will fuse with other technologies such as GPS (Global position system) on mobile phones, so that people will find themselves communicating with others not just based on topics of interest, or personal links of some kind, but based on where they are sitting or standing right now.Twitter is very similar to Google in approach:  very simple home page with few options. Expect Twitter to concentrate first on rapid growth, before trying to work out how to make money from the service.  Expect Google to watch Twitter with huge interest.

Google+ Growth Prospects

In August 2011, Google+ already had more than 25 million users, as per the data collected by analytics firm comScore, making Google+ the fastest growing website in history.

Research trends show that the network, which was launched in late June 2011, is currently growing at a rate of one million users per day.

Do these buoyant initial reports indicate that Google+ is going to dominate the social networking sector very soon? That would be a premature conclusion to draw. When comparing the rapid initial growth of Google+ against the relatively gradual initial growth path of other social networks such as Facebook and Myspace, it must be remembered that now social networking has already come of age. Users are increasingly more willing to jump onto social networks, which should explain the rapid initial advances of Google+.

Another factor in favor of Google+ is its massive existing user base that gives it a major head start. It provides the plugged-in generation the opportunity to make a digital fresh start.

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