Wednesday 25 January 2012

Quotes and theories (outline)

Quotes/ and Theoies
"All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values." McLuhan
The media is drip-feeding us ideologies which favour only the interest the ruling-class.
"The Global Village" McLuhan

" Globalisation has been largely driven by the needs of the developed world." Grieco & Holmes 

'''Globalisation' is often portrayed as a positive force which is unifying widely different societies, integrating them into a 'global village' and enriching all in the process."

New Media
“The medium is the message.” McLuhan
"Alone Together" Turkle
“Pluralism pervades our lives. We find ourselves in a world in which there is a plurality of different ethical, philosophical, religious and cultural beliefs.” Baghramian & Ingram
Cultural imperialism
"Western nations dominate the media around the world which in return effects on third world culture by imposing on them western views and therefore destroying narrative culture." Schiller
Other theories
‘PP’ argument – ‘’the internet allows a flourishing of hundreds of opinions’’
Katz and Blumer – Audience gratification theory

Katz and Blumer say that the media allows one to "select, accomodate and reject" by which they can select ideas, challenge, or even reject ideologies that they wish not to be manipulated by.
The media allows you to:
·         Escape
·         To interact (social interaction point for discussion and debate)
·         Inform, educate and entertain
The media drip-feeds audience’s hegemonic ideologies that will help the bourgeoisie to maintain their status quo –
Liberal pluralism:
The media maximises autonomy and freedom
‘Utilitarianism’ (the greatest good of the greatest number) the media might maximises one’s happiness, allowing them to become autonomous individuals (however, too much freedom may be a dangerous thing) – Cencorship and regulation

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